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Archive for the ‘Little Too’ Category

I Hate Halloween

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Chihuahua Dressed for Halloween

Last Halloween, they made me wear bells.

This is what I got stuck with this Halloween.

I think I liked the bells better.

I had to wear this yesterday at work. Then, they made me put it on again today so they could take photos.

Christmas had better be good. Lots of toys, I hope, to make up for this.

Or cheese.

Popularity: 100% [?]

Floppy Ears on a Chihuahua Puppy

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

This is me last April. Wasn’t I adorable?

I started out with two floppy ears, as you can see in my picture from the day I first came home in March.

The month after I came home, my right ear straightened out, but my left ear stayed floppy.

It was floppy for several weeks. I was so cute.

I am still cute, though, even with both ears being straight. Sometimes, though, when I’m really tired and wake up in the morning, one or two of my ears might be floppy. But not for long!

Why are chihuahua puppy ears floppy? It’s actually natural. It’s because when we’re young, our ears are still soft and not hardened. It’s the cartilage that’s still soft, I’m told. For most chihuahuas, the ears will gradually straighten. The time may vary by chihuahua, but most of us have our ears straightened out by the time we’re half a year old or so.

But some chihuahuas might have floppy ears all their lives if it’s in their genes.

I guess it’s perfectly fine that my ears straightened at different rates. I’d rather go through a half-floppy ear stage than pimples and stuff like people do.

Popularity: 40% [?]

Today is My Birthday

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Today is my birthday.

This is me when I came home last March:

I grew up a lot since then.

I didn’t get a cake on my half-birthday. I hope I get one today?

My sister got a cake on her birthday. Well, I guess she didn’t get cake last year, but this is my first birthday? Shouldn’t I get cake for that?

They say I can’t have chocolate cake though, because chocolate not good for doggies. That makes me sad. They say it can make my heart beat too fast or something. I don’t understand it.

Maybe I can have a cheese cake? I asked my friends on Twitter. Did you know I’m on Twitter? You can tweet me @Little_Too.

How do you celebrate your dog’s birthday? Do you let her have cake?

Popularity: 33% [?]

My First Christmas

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

At first, I didn’t really like Christmas.

But then I found out about presents.

First I got a chew rope toy. Multi-color. I liked it.

Then I got this:

It has a squeaky. That means it squeaks! I like squeaky toys.

I started to chew it up too. But there’s no chocolate inside.

Little One got some toys too. I stole one of them. Will probably take the other one later today.

Merry Christmas!

Popularity: 35% [?]

Jingle Bells for Halloween?

Friday, October 31st, 2008

I’m all dress for Halloween. I’ve been wearing this all week though. All month I think. What’s with the bells? I’m starting to chew them so they don’t ring any more. That’ll fix them! It glows in the dark too.

At least I’m not dressed like a pumpkin.

Popularity: 15% [?]