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Jingle Bells for Halloween?

by Little Too on October 31st, 2008

I’m all dress for Halloween. I’ve been wearing this all week though. All month I think. What’s with the bells? I’m starting to chew them so they don’t ring any more. That’ll fix them! It glows in the dark too.

At least I’m not dressed like a pumpkin.

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Comment by Virginia
2008-11-21 01:26:07
MyAvatars 0.2

this is a deerhead chihuahua right?? I have a deerhead chihuahua and everyone questions me about him being “purebreed” or not, i’d be great to have a webpage just for deer head chihuahuas don’t you think??

p.s thats one cute chi!!

2008-12-15 19:39:22
MyAvatars 0.2

Ha haaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sly boot, you :-)

I brought cheese fer U, go ahead and haz som

2008-12-15 19:40:55
MyAvatars 0.2

Can MY chihua hua “Mardy? be featured on this blog as a blog dog pal ??

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