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Today is My Birthday

by Little Too on January 15th, 2009

Today is my birthday.

This is me when I came home last March:

I grew up a lot since then.

I didn’t get a cake on my half-birthday. I hope I get one today?

My sister got a cake on her birthday. Well, I guess she didn’t get cake last year, but this is my first birthday? Shouldn’t I get cake for that?

They say I can’t have chocolate cake though, because chocolate not good for doggies. That makes me sad. They say it can make my heart beat too fast or something. I don’t understand it.

Maybe I can have a cheese cake? I asked my friends on Twitter. Did you know I’m on Twitter? You can tweet me @Little_Too.

How do you celebrate your dog’s birthday? Do you let her have cake?

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2009-01-17 01:06:46
MyAvatars 0.2

Happy birthday from Mardy, Cookie, and SpeedyCat!!

Here is some cheese :-)

2009-01-17 01:07:08
MyAvatars 0.2

……. do you know DCR?

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