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The definitive guide to keeping your chihuahua happy, healthy and full of life.



by Little Too on October 25th, 2008

I’m self-sufficient. When my dish is empty, I take it to be refilled.

And, if it doesn’t get refilled fast enough, I use it as a toy. It makes noise when I keep picking it up and dropping it. It gets refilled soon enough.

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2008-10-25 12:59:38
MyAvatars 0.2

DCR ??? Is it you???

I have a chi hooo ahhh hooo ahhh too! “Mardy”

Comment by dcr
2008-10-25 13:06:10
MyAvatars 0.2

Nope, this is me. Little Too posted that all on her own. ;-) Those little feet are handy with the keyboard.

Comment by Brenda Franzo
2008-10-25 13:33:06
MyAvatars 0.2

Hi! Love this blog! It made me smile reading through it and I am a proud owner of a chihuahua, Joshua - and yes, he is a handful with his own agendas :) Tell Little Too to keep on posting!


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