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Tea Cup Chihuahua

by Renee Dietz on October 3rd, 2005

Although the Chihuahua breed of dog has been popular for thousands of years, in current times, two things have led to the increasing popularity of this breed–Taco Bell commercials and Paris Hilton. Due to their incredible small size, you cannot help fall in love with their appearance. However, when owning a Chihuahua, you will soon discover their spirit and heart.

The interesting thing about this breed of dog is that for years, people have been buying what they believe to be a Tea Cup Chihuahua. It is believed that the name came from breeders adding slang to the name, a cute title so to speak. In reality, the name “Tea Cup” was meant only as a description, a comparative if you will to a teacup and its small, dainty size. However, that slang was somehow converted into a type of Chihuahua, which is incorrect.

While a Chihuahua can be so small it fits into a teacup, this is just a comparison, not a breed. Unfortunately, what has happened over the years is that breeders discovered that by using the name “Tea Cup Chihuahua”, they sold more puppies. While not illegal, they began advertising this type of Chihuahua, leading people to believe that a Tea Cup Chihuahua is some type of special breed.

Another problem is that by using the name “Tea Cup Chihuahua,” it produces an image of the dog staying extraordinarily small. Since the Chihuahua is already the smallest breed in the world, weighing between just four and six pounds, people believe they are buying a dog that will weigh just two pounds and while this might end up being the case, there is no way to tell.

All Chihuahua puppies are teeny tiny but it is not until they grow and reach maturity that their true size will be known. Sure, you may luck out and get a very small Chihuahua, but there is no guarantee. Because of this, you would be surprised at how many dogs end up in shelters and rescue homes because they did not meet the expectations of the owner. This tactic of selling more dogs is not only irresponsible and deceiving, but to make things worse, these breeders also charge astronomical prices to unsuspecting buyers. That means instead of paying $500 for a Chihuahua, people end up paying $1,000. You can imagine the frustration and anger once the Chihuahua reaches six pounds and is not a “tea cup.”

In fact, there are some breeders today that have become so convincing in selling Tea Cup Chihuahuas that they are thought to be reliable, reputable sources. Therefore, if you are interested in buying this breed of dog, understand that Tea Cup Chihuahuas do not exist, although small ones do. No breeder, regardless of experience or claims and regardless of the size of the Chihuahua’s parents has the ability to determine the size of the dog once full grown. Beware and be smart so you buy a healthy, loving Chihuahua.

Author’s Bio: Renee Dietz says she has “been blessed with the ability to write.” Over the past 25 years, she has written more than 150 ebooks, well over 18,000 articles, and web content. Renee has written on various subjects that range from teaching a parrot to talk to stock commodities to weddings and everything in between. Her style is creative, informative, and always reader-friendly. Renee goes on to say that “writing is my passion, something I take to heart. For this reason, I work diligently to ensure every client is a happy client.” One of Renee’s favorites quotes comes from Douglas Adams - “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

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1 Comment »

Comment by Nicole
2008-08-19 03:58:51
MyAvatars 0.2

My PURE BRED deer head chihuahua weighs 10 pounds lol. And she’s not that fat. Her boyfriend weighs 9. But when she was pregnant she weighed 13 pounds…..she’s healthy i know so it’s weird she’s so big…and i know that’s not considered a good quality for a chihuahua and neither is being a deer head, but people still buy her puppies for 200 a peice…….it’s crazy

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